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CancerPersonal InjuryVictim Compensation Fund

When Am I Entitled to Additional Compensation?

February 18, 2025 | Michael Barasch

Even if you have already received an award from the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund, you or your family may become eligible for additional awards in the future if you are certified with new 9/11 illnesses. Follow John’s story below.


$20,000 — John, a Goldman Sachs office worker in 2001, was exposed to 9/11 toxic dust when he returned to work. He was diagnosed with asthma in 2004, before the WTCHP and VCF existed. He was certified by the WTCHP in 2012 with 9/11-related asthma. He received a $20,000 award from the VCF.


$90,000 — Three years later, John noticed a suspicious-looking mole on his skin. After seeing his dermatologist, he was diagnosed with basal cell skin cancer. We amended his claim, and he received an additional $70,000.


$300,000 — In 2020, John started to experience fatigue, weight loss, loss of appetite, and fever. After seeing a hepatologist, he was diagnosed with liver cancer. His cancer was certified by the WTCHP. We then amended his claim, and he received an additional $210,000.


$1,650,000 — In 2023, John received the devastating news that his liver cancer was terminal. Unfortunately, he passed away several months later. We filed a wrongful death claim on behalf of his widow and three dependent children. His family recently received an award of $1,650,000. The award represented compensation for John’s pain and suffering, death, and future lost income. His children and wife were awarded $100,000 each. John was aware that we would be able to secure this additional compensation prior to his passing, which means he had the peace of mind knowing that his family would be taken care of and his kids would still be able to attend college.

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