Former Goldman Sachs VP
Kidney Cancer
Former Goldman Sachs VP
Kidney Cancer
Ken worked at Goldman Sachs for 21 years. He was on his way to work when the first plane hit the World Trade Center. Like thousands of others, he was reassured by the federal government’s statement that the air was safe, and he returned to work. Years later, Ken collapsed at work and soon after was diagnosed with 9/11-related renal cell carcinoma. Ken turned to Barasch & McGarry for help.
I thought the Victim Compensation Fund and the health program were geared for firefighters and police officers, but I’m one of the victims, too. I proudly helped to reopen Goldman Sachs as a member of the team that restored IT and communications. I’m happy I chose Barasch & McGarry to help me get a fair award for my illness and lost income. I would never have gotten it done without them.