I was honored to attend the annual FDNY memorial plaque dedication ceremony. Sadly, 17 of the 22 firefighters who died in the past year were my firm’s clients. We were honored to have represented them and we understand the enormous responsibility and privilege of now representing their families to ensure that they receive the justice they deserve.
Coincidentally, a new study was published today by the American Medical Assn linking long-term cardiovascular disease to the toxic exposure by firefighters who responded to the WTC disaster. Not surprisingly, firefighters who arrived first, and those who stayed the longest, have a 44% higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Dr. David Prezant, chief medical officer of the FDNY and lead author of the study, has urged every early responder to get checked out, even if they are healthy. We urge all individuals exposed early and/or often to get checked for heart disease.
Heart disease has not yet been linked to the WTC toxins by the WTC Health Program but we now have medical evidence to argue that it should be added. Rest assured, my firm will be fighting to get heart disease added so those exposed early on, both responders and survivors, can be covered. If you have any questions, please call us at 212-385-8000.
Thank you for that information as it likely applies to me since I had a heart attack in 2017.
Thank you so much for your help and support in this very difficult journey. God Bless
As a retired Port Authority Police Officer and for the past 2 years i’ve been receiving treatment for cardiac sarcoidosis as s result of my exposure I would like to thank Dr Prezant for his research study.
That is very nice of you & your firm to keep me in the loop on things I really appreciate.
I believe heart disease should be added because it is related to other etc illnesses I am on 3 high blood pressure medicines myself.
Should be covered I had 2 stents 2011 spent first 2 weeks after attack on pile.
Good luck
Two years ago my cardiologist discovered two aneurysms on my aorta they weren’t there before I was in the recovery at ground 0 for six months you’re client
I was diagnosed with A Fib. I needed two cardiac cats and from Bally a cardiac ablation to bring my heart back into sinus rhythm. Consequently I am on a variety of heart medications as a result. Are the toxins I was exposed to at the WTC suspected of causing this particular heart condition?
I’m sorry to hear about your health conditions, Mike. We will keep you updated on whether they are linked to the 9/11 toxins.
Thank You so much for all that you do, God bless you.
Thank you Edward
I am with your firm for 9/11 comp fund. I am retired FDNY. I have cardiovascular disease. Just wanted to let you know.
Hi Mike I had a stent put in in 2010
I developed Heart disease in 2014 after 911 myself even though I exercise every day eat good healthy food and still I develop talk disease
Hi I am very hopeful that heart disease is added for I never had any problems with severe anxiety and high blood pressure but throughout the past 7 years or so my blood pressure has skyrocketed even as I managed to change my diet I had stopped drinking alcohol and stopped smoking for almost 5 years but even with my diet change my numbers were off the roof. On my next physical I will make sure this is documented as well with the other anatomical and physiological problems that i’ve noticed have worsened. So I’m really thankful for the constant updates and I have full faith in your firms dedication to helping the families of those not here and the ones like myself that struggles everyday and have also become a statistic of the opioid crisis. May the Lord Bless All You Guys that are constantly aware that the tragedy happened 18 years ago in just a few days but the survivors like myself still have to go on with our daily lives and struggles to make it through the day everyday we’re blessed to wake up in the mornings. Keep up the fight as myself and others I know are doing on a daily basis. Our lives have changed dramatically but knowing that we have you and your firm on our side helps ease the reality that we gave so much and others everything and the city can’t even come to grips with the reality that we the survivors are still here and need help in overcoming the mental and physical problems we must face. That is why your firm is looked upon as our guardian angels and the voice for the ones that unfortunately are no longer with us. Let’s keep up the fight so that the deceased and the survivors of that tragedy will never be forgotten. May God Bless All Those Who Partook Action On That Horrible Day!!!
In January 2018 I underwent heart surgery. There’s no doubt that that the upper respiratory and sleep apnea conditions I sustained as a result I my long term exposure to the toxic environment at the WTC disaster site played a significant role in me developing heart the problems which lead to the surgery. There is a correlation between many cardiac conditions responders are suffering from with the other WTC Health Program presumed conditions. I am extremely optimistic that someday the correlation will be made.
Never Forget. I won’t.
I pray that those who was there at that time is able to get the help they need.
Thank you for this critical information. As always, I appreciate your compassion, tireless efforts and perseverance to fight for 9/11 First Responders and civilian victims who have passed and the many who are sadly suffering from the effects of that most horrific day in our history.
I am extremely grateful to you and staff for your dedication to the 9/11 First Responder community. I will continue to forward your updates.
God bless you and your staff.
Deborah McLaughlin
NYPD (Ret.)
9/11 First Responder
Thank you so much Deborah
Yes heart disease
Neuropathy called Toxic neuropathy.A lot first responders have due toxicity toxins at 911 Some guys can’t even walk
Thank you very much for your complete attention to the 911 victims It’s very reassuring to know that you have our best interest at heart
Not that I want to hear this not so good news, but Thank you for the update and please continue to keep me in the loop. If this condition is added to the 911 Medical listing will there hopefully be additional compensation monies awarded to those who already received an award?
We will keep you updated Betty
Mike, I had 2 stents put in last year because my heart wasn’t getting enough oxygen . Interesting, isn’t it?
This very good for all people involve in 9/11
Mike thx my name is Rich Smulczeski Lieutenant FDNY ret I was at WTC from 10:30 am on 9/11 to 8:30am on 9/12 and many days after I was retired from FDNY in 2012 on the heart bill: I had quadruple by-pass surgery, 4 heart stints in 2016 and treated with an ablation for irregular heart beats. I am in your program and was paid for barrettes esophagus. Please keep me informed as to heart disease inclusion. Thank you so much for what you and your associates are doing for firefighters and others with WTC related problems.
Thank you Richard
Any progress on Polyneuropathy being added ?
We are working on it and will keep you updated.
Is there anything I need to do right now? I go for my yearly WTC check ups but wondering if there is anything else I should do?
There is nothing you need to do right now, thank you Mike
Should be for all of us who responded not just FDNY
When are they going to connect Rheumatoid Arthris Lupus and Graves’ disease to the list
We are working on new developments and will keep you updated.
Hello Mike, John Beck here one of your clients.
Thank you for all you do for the WTC community. Hopefully like you said the WTC health program recognizes this condition. Because right now i have hypertension that they are not recognizing or paying for. All the Best
Thank you so much John.
I have an irregular heart beat iam told , can that have something to do with this I just have been told , iam a 911 first responder, and a member who has a case file With Barasch &Mcgarry
Thank you Mike …..For a long time nowI have had heart issues like a lower than normal ejection fraction ( EF) and a slightly enlarged heart . I take a number of medications to control these problems and never realized it might be connected to my being on the pile at Ground Zero st the WTC .
Are they certifying heart disease ?
We are working on it and will keep you updated.
I am not a fireman and like a fire fighter o was there one hour after that happened .I developed hypertension and heart problem and heart surgery after 9/11 and sleep apnea and memory loss
I am a client and have suffered heart issues, dorothy curran
Please keep me updated with any new developments on this issue. I am currently being treated for coronary artery disease, that has been progressing since its on set in 2004. We were assigned to the WTC on the 1st Alarm. Thank you.
Hi Mike, I am not surprised that science confirmed what I have experienced for several years already. I hade to go to the the NYU cardiologist and be checked for heart condition, take medication and now recently had an city scan done and I have an appointment to see a cardiologist again.
Since 911 I have had two valve replacements.
Thanks Mike please keep me informed as I had to retire due too cardiovascular disease. Had to have a triple bypass
Diagnosed in 2008 and had a stent put in. I was a first responder firefighter who worked at ground zero with Rescue 5 until the site was closed one year later
Hi Gerard, please call us at 212-385-8000 and we’d be happy to assist you with the World Trade Center Health Program and Victim Compensation Fund.
I am Happy that Congress passed or extended the cut-off time for the pay -out
That is what I am suffering from since I work down at The World Trade Center follows months I am being treated for congestive heart failure which does not run in my family and did not have prior to being exposed
Your firm is the best and I thank u from the bottom off my heart
Thank you so much Edwin.
First Responder
Hi Delores, please call us at 212-385-8000 and we’d be happy to assist you with the World Trade Center Health Program and Victim Compensation Fund.
Awesome content. Thank you for sharing a helpful article. Keep posting!
very supportive content
If a history of long term COPD exists which includes URI, chronic bronchitis and/or asthma, it has been proven that will be a strong contributing factor to right coronary heart disease. Absolutely should be added to the list.
I am currently at the, Determination made: processing status of my claim with your firm. I arrived at
WTC just after the north tower collapsed and worked at ground zero for nearly 12 consecutive hours. In June of 2006 I had 3 cardiac stents implanted. Prior to 9/11/2001 I did not have any heath issues a all. please keep me updated. Thank you.
Hello, I would like to know if conorary heart disease is covered by the WTC health program as I was diagnosed with it. I am already a client 911 survivor and have been diagnosed.
Hi Minnie, Please give us a call at 212-385-8000 and we will be happy to discuss with you. Take care.
thanks for info
Hi I worked at Wein securities in Jersey city watched the trade center get hit by the planes . I took the path train for years I have had multiple heart attacks total 6 with 15 stents and quadruple bypass surgery. Have bad sinuses and I am always tired. How do I o ow if I qualify . Thanks
Hi Julius, We’re sorry to hear about your health problems. Please give us a call at 212-385-8000 to discuss your situation.
I just had valve replacement surgery from aortic valve stenosis. I don’t understand how it’s not covered
Hi Michael, We’re sorry to hear about your health. Please call us as soon as possible at 800-659-5175 or visit vatoxins.com for a free consultation so we can discuss your eligibility for health care and significant compensation.
Hi Lance, We’re sorry to hear about your health. Please call us as soon as possible at 800-657-0326 so we can discuss your eligibility for the free World Trade Center Health Program or the permanently extended and funded $10+ Billion Victim Compensation Fund. Take care.
Dear Mr Barasch I just received a letter about endocrine cancer being added to the 9/11 fund you guys represented me I was 35 years old on 9/11 I had pains down my arms that started about 2 weeks after 9-11 I could not walk because pain was real bad but I still went to work I could not call in sick because of all the people hero’s who were killed murdered on 9-11 I finally had a stress test in oct were it showed my 3 main arteries were at least 98 percent blocked I had triple bypass on oct 29th 2001 I could not work after was always in pain then in 2004 I had 4 stents put in then about every 2 years I had more stents placed I have 14 in total last year I received my money from the 9-11 fund I got 18 thousand dollars mr barasch I spent more money on Motrin over last 20 years going back to 2002-2003 I got turned down for disability from the my company’s I did get approved for social security disability my wife works about 10-12 hours a day I cannot work who is fighting to get heart disease approved there was a lot of people complaining in here I can imagine how many people have heart disease from the toxins sorry I jumped all over the place I see people getting over 200 thousand dollars for prostrate cancer my wife can never retire I can never pay back my daughters student loan is there any way heart disease is ever approved thank you so much Mr Barasch I don’t even have a bank acct because money does not last long enough maybe you can call me or e mail me phone 718-938-4085 thank you
Hi Thomas, I will notify your claim administrator. Take care.
Hey mike they just approved endocrine cancer there is probably more people that just wrote to Mr Barasch about heart disease I had triple bypsss in October of 2001 I was 35 and 14 stents after that and still I got just 18000 from the 9-11 fund and none off that is for my heart it’s ridiculous I hope you feel good good luck Thomas young
Hi Thomas, I will notify your claim administrator. Take care.
Hello Michael,
IT’s February 22nd, 2023. Just curious have there been any updates on Heart disease being added to 9-11 illnesses. Did we lose the fight or is it still being fought for. Thanks either way.
Take care
Hi Steve, heart disease has not yet been added by the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund or the World Trade Center Health Program. But we are fighting to include all conditions related to Ground Zero exposure. Take care.
Before 9/11/01 I was in excellent health. On 9/11 the Jersey City FD received a request for mutual from the City of NY and Port Authority PD for our MSU (air refill truck). I was one of five members that responded and I arrived just after the North tower collapsed. I worked at the scene for over 12 hours.
On August 11, 2006 I received three cardiac stents at Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center (NJ).
Having no cardiac issues prior to 9/11/01, I certainly believe my heart disease is linked to WTC toxic exposure. I would hope that coronary heart disease will be linked to the event soon.
Hi Robert, heart disease has not yet been added by the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund or the World Trade Center Health Program. But we are fighting to include all conditions related to Ground Zero exposure. Take care.
Thank God for this study. My husband died of a heart attack at 50 on 5/17/15 he was with the NYPD and spent months in the recovery downtown and then in Staten Island at the dump. When will they add it? I am left with two boys to raise.
Hi Jennifer, We’re sorry to hear about your husband’s passing. Please call us as soon as possible at 800-657-0326 so we can discuss your eligibility for the free World Trade Center Health Program or the permanently extended and funded $10+ Billion Victim Compensation Fund. Take care.
I was a volunteer first responder on WTC
From 2009 I hade my first heart attach on 2012 my second 2019 my third and now I m on the final stage of heart failure
Hi Haralabos, We’re sorry to hear about your health. Please call us as soon as possible at 800-657-0326 so we can discuss your eligibility for the free World Trade Center Health Program or the permanently extended and funded $10+ Billion Victim Compensation Fund. Take care.
Hello, I saw this old article and wondered what is the status of your firm seeking to have heart conditions a covered condition? Thanks
Hi Richard, there are other covered conditions. Please call us as soon as possible at 800-657-0326 so we can discuss your eligibility for the free World Trade Center Health Program or the permanently extended and funded $10+ Billion Victim Compensation Fund. Take care.
I am already represented by your firm, certified by the WTC. That said, I just read this article as I sit in my cardiologist office. Jan 2024, had a stent, heart attack and a aortic valve replacement. Never smoked, don’t drink and a former runner. As indicated I was at ground zero as tower 2 fell.
Hi Anthony, thank you for writing. We are honored to represent you. If you ever need anything, let us know. We are glad to assist in any way we can.
Has Heart disease been added as a 9/11 illness ?? Your firm represented me for my Prostate Cancer. Recently, I’ve been diagnosed with Aortic Aneurysm ~ is this considered a 9/11 illness ?
Hi Vincent, I will notify your claim administrator immediately. Take care.