The attacks on the World Trade Center caused massive plumes of pulverized construction materials, cement dust, asbestos, jet fuel, and numerous other organic compounds to coat surfaces and penetrate the air throughout Lower Manhattan. Unfortunately, the dust and smoldering rubble didn’t dissipate for many months following the tragic attacks.
While those working directly on the debris pile— responders, emergency workers, and clean-up crews— were most at-risk, the dust that settled throughout New York City had the same devastating effect on the lungs of office workers, residents, students, and teachers who were there on 9/11 or returned to Lower Manhattan in the following 8 months.
Prevalence of Asthma Symptoms in 9/11 Survivors
Pollutants affecting the lungs of 9/11 survivors cause a variety of symptoms that range from minor irritations to significant loss of lung function which have a major impact on a person’s quality of life.
Common asthma symptoms include:
Shortness of breath and being unable to catch one’s breath
Wheezing when exhaling
Sudden coughing and wheezing attacks
Chest tightness
Chest pain
Trouble sleeping as a result of shortness of breath, coughing, or wheezing
For many in the 9/11 community, these symptoms are exacerbated by activities like exercise, exposure to certain chemicals, and seasonal or persistent allergies.
I want to personally thank the firm for their hard work at both the forefront, and in the offices of the VCF in Washington. Without the firm’s non-stop commitment to the VCF, I wonder where many of us first responders would be today.
E.S. 9/11 Responder
Asthma Sufferers Eligibility for Medical & Financial Benefits
The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010 officially established the link between asthma and the toxins released into the air on 9/11. The same Act also established two programs to help victims access free nationwide health care as well as provide monetary compensation for their injuries. These programs, The World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP) and the Victim Compensation Fund (VCF), respectively, are available to help asthma sufferers who have their condition linked to their exposure on 9/11 and in the 8 months that followed.
In 2019, after dozens of trips down to Washington, D.C. to lobby Congress, our firm and many other 9/11 advocates aided in the full funding and permanent extension of the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund. Passage of the Never Forget the Heroes Act essentially ensures funds are available to compensate all who are currently sick or get sick in the future.
$1,345,427for a NYC Police Officer with breast cancer
$1,188,741for a disabled EMT with colon cancer
$1,011,957for the wrongful death of a sound engineer due to bladder cancer
$3,700,651for a disabled NYC police officer due to leukemia
$3,254,242for wrongful death of a firefighter due to 9/11-related asthma/RADS
$2,811,150for a disabled stock broker due to multiple myeloma
$1,934,316for a disabled teacher due to esophageal cancer
$1,422,694for wrongful death of a downtown office worker due to pulmonary fibrosis
$1,251,411for wrongful death of a paralegal working in a downtown law firm due to breast cancer
$1,345,427for a NYC Police Officer with breast cancer
$1,188,741for a disabled EMT with colon cancer
$1,011,957for the wrongful death of a sound engineer due to bladder cancer
$3,700,651for a disabled NYC police officer due to leukemia
$3,254,242for wrongful death of a firefighter due to 9/11-related asthma/RADS
$2,811,150for a disabled stock broker due to multiple myeloma
Deadline Extended to Register for Compensation
Deadlines to register VCF claims are approaching. If you or anyone you know had cancer or lost a family member, reach out to us to register for compensation quickly.
If you were exposed to the toxic air on 9/11 or in the 8 months that followed, but have not had your medical condition linked to 9/11, you also still have time to apply for significant compensation. The deadline to apply to the Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) is two years from the date that your cancer or illness has been certified by the WTC Health Program. The two-year period to register doesn’t start on the day of diagnosis. Rather, it starts only when a victim is made aware their condition was linked to exposure to the WTC toxins.
For those who died from their WTC-linked condition, the two-year period for their family to register starts on the day of the death of the WTC victim.
Many people have tried to complete the VCF application on their own, only to learn that it requires answers to hundreds of questions and many documents to download. It would be our pleasure to help you complete the process in order to ensure that you receive the compensation that you are entitled to. Please contact us for a free consultation.
Contact Us
It’s important to act quickly. Find out if you’re eligible to receive compensation from the $10 billion set aside for 9/11 victims. Call us at 212-385-8000 or contact us online today.
With over 20,000 clients under representation and $3 Billion+ recovered from the Victim Compensation Fund, find out why Barasch & McGarry are truly "Lawyers for the 9/11 Community".
9/11 VCF Claims must be filed within specific windows to ensure your eligibility for compensation and health benefits. Act quickly - register today. Learn More