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prostate cancer

  • 9/11 Injuries

    Prostate Cancer Linked to WTC Dust: Deadline to Register for Compensation is October 21

    By Michael Barasch

    There is an upcoming deadline for 9/11 responders who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer.  If you worked at Ground Zero in the wake of the terrorist attacks, there is a legal presumption that exposure to the WTC toxic dust caused your prostate cancer.  The deadline to register for compensation for 9/11 cancers is generally […]

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  • 9/11 Injuries

    Critical Deadline Approaches for 9/11 First Responders with Prostate Cancer

    By Michael Barasch

    Many of the heroic first responders who came to the aid of other Americans after the 9/11 attacks later experienced serious illness. Sixty-two different cancers have been linked to exposure to the toxic rubble and dust of the World Trade Center. Luckily, many of these heroes and their families have fought hard to ensure that […]

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  • 9/11 InjuriesHealth Programs

    Prostate Cancer Risk Ignored by 9/11 Health Center

    By Michael Barasch

    Mount Sinai Hospital is one of the foremost experts in 9/11-health related problems. The hospital includes a World Trade Center Health Program that is devoted to treating and studying 9/11 health ailments, including cancer. Despite its status as the place to be screened and treated for 9/11-related diseases, it does not currently screen for prostate […]

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  • Victim Compensation Fund

    Ground Zero and Cancer: The Surprising Side

    By Michael Barasch

    As the years have gone by since the 9/11 disaster, studies have repeatedly demonstrated an increased rate of many cancers among emergency responders and other survivors who had breathed the toxic dust at Ground Zero. Except one. Somewhat surprisingly, statistics show 9/11 responders have experienced a lower rate of lung cancer than would be expected […]

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  • Zadroga Act

    Prostate Cancer Now Eligible for Zadroga Benefits

    By Michael Barasch

    Less than three weeks before the deadline for registering under the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health officially added prostate cancer to the list of diseases eligible for compensation. The move also means those afflicted with 9/11-related prostate cancer are eligible for free care under the World Trade Center […]

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  • Were You There?

    If you were in Lower Manhattan on 9/11 or in the 8 months that followed, you may be eligible for compensation through the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund. Call us at 888-351-9421 or contact us online for a free case evaluation.

  • 9/11 Injuries

    No Surprise Here: 9/11 Responders at Higher Risk for Cancer

    By Michael Barasch

    Cancer rates are 15 percent higher in 9/11 responders than in the general population, according to a recent Mount Sinai Hospital’s World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP) report. Epidemiologists examined data collected from 20,984 participants between 2001 and 2008, finding 575 cases of cancer instead of the expected 499. Thyroid, prostate and blood cancers (like […]

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