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Ground Zero

  • Zadroga Act9/11 Injuries

    NYC Firefighters Among Groups in Favor of Renewing Zadroga Act

    By Michael Barasch

    Firefighters have been vocal in support for renewing the Zadroga Act, a piece of federal legislation providing medical care and financial compensation to all survivors and responders who became injured or ill in the wake of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. A statement from the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) was released […]

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  • Memorial Museum

    World Trade Center Offers Time Lapse Video on Elevator

    By Michael Barasch

    Rebuilding the World Trade Center was a triumphant achievement for developers. Although Ground Zero is now the site a beautiful new tower opened in November 2014, it has not left the history of its evolution behind. There are a number of memorials built into the new building, including the 9/11 Museum. The newest edition to […]

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  • Memorial Museum

    Sapling of Famous 9/11 Tree Planted in Asser-Levy Park

    By Michael Barasch

    There were few things that survived the deadly terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. One of them was a callery pear tree that came to be known as the Survivor Tree. A month after the towers fell, recovery workers discovered the tree amidst the rubble. It was severely damaged, with twisted roots and snapped branches, […]

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  • 9/11 Injuries

    Retired Police Officer to Receive Enhanced Pension After Working at Ground Zero

    By Michael Barasch

    A retired police officer from New York has been battling for five years to receive an enhanced disability pension to help treat his fibromyalgia, which she developed after long-term exposure to a variety of toxins at Ground Zero after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Now, the Appellate Division in Manhattan has finally ruled that […]

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  • 9/11 Injuries

    Hero from September 11 Attacks Dies of Cancer

    By Michael Barasch

    William Sheldon Jr., a hero at Ground Zero on the day of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, died of cancer recently, becoming the first member of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to die from cancer related to the attack. He was only 47 years old. Sheldon was a native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and […]

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  • Deadline Alert

    9/11 claims for compensation and benefits have specific windows of eligibility for victims and their families. Register now to ensure your claim is filed accurately and within the proper window. Call us at 888-351-9421 or contact us online for a free case evaluation.

  • 9/11 Injuries

    Street Corner Renamed to Honor 9/11 Police Officer

    By Michael Barasch

    Although many think of the death toll of 9/11 to be limited to the day of the attacks, the truth is that thousands have died in the years that followed due to illnesses that manifested as a result of their exposure to toxic dust at Ground Zero. When the Twin Towers fell on September 11, […]

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