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Zadroga Act

  • Zadroga ActVictim Compensation FundWTC Health Program

    9/11 Community Members at High Risk of Sleep Apnea

    By Michael Barasch

    If you were a 9/11 first responder or you worked, lived, or studied in Lower Manhattan on and after 9/11, you have a higher risk of developing 68 types of cancer and many respiratory illnesses, including obstructive sleep apnea. The most common form of sleep apnea, obstructive sleep apnea blocks the flow of air through […]

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  • Zadroga ActWTC Health ProgramVictim Compensation Fund

    Study Finds 9/11 Responders Have Higher Risk of Blood Cancer-Associated Mutations

    By Michael Barasch

    A recent study found that first responders who were deployed at the World Trade Center site on and after 9/11 have a higher rate of developing “clonal hematopoiesis” – blood cell mutations that increase the risk of blood cancer.These mutations often occur as a result of exposure to toxins, for example from smoking tobacco, or […]

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  • Zadroga ActVictim Compensation FundWTC Health Program

    March Marks Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

    By Michael Barasch

    March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Nearly half a million first responders and survivors who were exposed to Ground Zero toxins after 9/11 have a dramatically higher risk of developing respiratory illnesses and 68 different types of cancer, including colorectal cancer. Most colorectal cancers start as a growth, called a polyp, on the inner lining […]

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  • Zadroga ActVictim Compensation FundWTC Health Program

    Barasch & McGarry Honors Multiple Myeloma Awareness Month

    By Michael Barasch

    March is Multiple Myeloma Awareness Month. Anyone exposed to Ground Zero toxins on or after 9/11 has a much higher risk for many respiratory illnesses and 68 different types of cancer, including multiple myeloma. A relatively rare cancer, multiple myeloma forms in a type of white blood cell called a plasma cell. Healthy plasma cells […]

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  • Zadroga ActWTC Health ProgramFirefighters

    Barasch & McGarry Recognizes 47th Anniversary of the 1975 New York Telephone Exchange Fire

    By Michael Barasch

    February 27 marks the 47th anniversary of the New York Telephone exchange fire. Just after midnight on February 27, 1975, a short circuit in the basement cable vault at the New York Telephone Company switching center started a fire. At the time, fifteen employees were working in the building, located at Second Avenue and Thirteenth […]

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  • Were You There?

    If you were in Lower Manhattan on 9/11 or in the 8 months that followed, you may be eligible for compensation through the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund. Call us at 888-351-9421 or contact us online for a free case evaluation.

  • Zadroga ActVictim Compensation FundWTC Health Program

    Barasch & McGarry Recognizes American Heart Month

    By Michael Barasch

    February is American Heart Month. Anyone who was exposed to Ground Zero toxins on or after 9/11 has a higher risk of developing 68 different types of cancer and many respiratory illnesses, which have been linked to the 9/11 toxins by the World Trade Center Health Program. A study published by the Journal of the […]

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