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Michael Barasch, the Barasch & McGarry team, John Feal, and Ken Specht Organize a Donation of 15,000 N-95 Safety Masks to FDNY Firefighters and EMTs

April 7, 2020 | Michael Barasch

Barasch & McGarry would like to express its incredible gratitude and admiration for all of the first responders who are now risking their own safety to protect the people of New York City and beyond during this difficult time.

It is with great privilege that the firm announces its donation of 15,000 N-95 safety masks to the FDNY. This donation would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of retired firefighter Ken Specht, Ret. FDNY, L 133, who arranged for the firm’s purchase of the N-95 masks. Also a big thank you to Oren Barzilay, President of Local 2507, who urged Michael Barasch of Barasch & McGarry to remember the EMTs and paramedics on the front lines of this crisis.

Finally, thank you to John Feal of the FealGood Foundation for his advocacy on behalf of the many first responders who are currently on the front lines without sufficient personal protective equipment.

In addition to donating N-95 masks, Barasch & McGarry is buying meals for our wonderful and selfless health care workers. They are our heroes.

“Ken, John, and I fought together on Capitol Hill for the extension of the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund,” said Michael Barasch. “We are proud to be fighting together again, this time against an invisible and lethal enemy.”

To watch John Feal’s national TV interview on MSNBC announcing the donation of 15,000 N-95 masks by Barasch & McGarry and the FealGood Foundation, click here or watch the video below.

The Barasch & McGarry Family

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2 replies on “Michael Barasch, the Barasch & McGarry team, John Feal, and Ken Specht Organize a Donation of 15,000 N-95 Safety Masks to FDNY Firefighters and EMTs”

Thank you so very much for all you have done and continue to do for our First Responders. When I began my career with NYCEMS IN 1978 the Health and Hospital Corporation was running AEMD and it was a mess of over worked underpaid men and women, diverse in ethnicity and life experiences. I fell in love with this group, and after 30 years of EMS life, from EMT, to Paramedic, Lieutenant, Captain and Deputy Chief, all within EMS even after the merger in 1996 with FDNY, we are treated as a Uniformed, NonUnifirmed workforce. It’s only their dedication to helping those in need, does EMS, still survive, and continues to show what can happen when people really care and live their careers!! We are not “equals” within FDNY, yet they take our Air force to fill their ranks, every year, decimating the ranks that must be filled again and again. I cannot blame them as they will be far better off financially by moving into the FDNY ranks, and they will be treated better, and they will work less, be cared for, forever as a ” brother” or “sister” and worse, FDNY will be recognized for its “diversity” that has only become diverse, by taking from the EMS ranks… Thank you for all you do to help them be cared for and recognized for their pain and suffering, as EMS as a career is devastating to one’s physical and mental health over time, They are my hero’s, and only as being one for so many years, can I say these words, as I have lived this life, been to places I never thought possible, seen pain, suffering, and great joy, and finally, see the unending drain from the EMS ranks to bolster a Fire Department that while truly well trained, and necessary for NYC emergency response, is “idle” between 92 and 96 percent of each tour of duty, while EMS runs, and runs, climb each year to numbers never before seen in NYC during this crisis.
Thank you for caring and for being there for us, all of us, during this time of great need!!

The Barasch & McGarry Family Along with John Feel and Oren Barzilay, ( and countless others on your teams). Thank you for you dedication in the endless fight to represent all first responder in the New York City area. This incredible fight against an invisible enemy has brought our City to its knees. The front lines need our support now more that ever! We are at war and we must stand together in solidarity. Thank you, just doesn’t seem enough. God Bless you all and keep you safe.

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