Personal Injury • Coronavirus • Health Programs
A Checklist for Your Next Visit to the Doctor
After many months of medical offices in the New York City region and across the United States being closed for all but emergency procedures, doctors and nurses are now seeing patients for regular checkups.
It is critical that everyone in the 9/11 community returns to see their doctors for their annual visits. Some examples of common annual exams are: mammograms, skin checks, and a PSA test.
It is critical that everyone in the 9/11 community returns to see their doctors for their annual visits. Some examples of common annual exams are: mammograms, skin checks, and a PSA test.
Before your next visit to the doctor, here are a few key items to remember:
- Save the Date. Know the day, time, and location of your appointment. If you need someone to help you get there, contact them well in advance to plan your trip.
- Don’t Miss Out. Be sure to ask your doctor about the tests you should have based on age and other factors, such as a mammogram, a colonoscopy, a prostate exam, or a skin cancer screening.
- If You See Something, Say Something – to Your Doctor! If you notice a mass on your breast or a new mole – or experience any other physical or psychological changes, tell your doctor and ask them to check if a problem exists. You are your best advocate.
- Keep Us in the Loop. If you are diagnosed with a new medical condition, let us at Barasch & McGarry know as soon as possible! If needed, we’ll file an amended claim with the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund.
- Taking Care of Business. Nobody enjoys spending time at their doctor’s office. But by taking care of your health and accessing regularly preventive treatments and diagnostic screenings, you can avoid medical problems in the future. You might even save your own life.
1 reply on “A Checklist for Your Next Visit to the Doctor”
I liked how you mentioned that you should ask about a mammogram the next time you visit a doctor. My wife is wanting to get her yearly check-up and she was wondering what she should remember to ask her doctor before she leaves. I’ll be sure to tell her to ask her about a mammogram before she leaves the doctor.