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9/11 Notice Act – Frequently Asked Questions

September 12, 2023 | Michael Barasch

Recently, New York State’s legislature passed and Governor Hochul signed into law the 9/11 Notice Act, the first law of its kind in the United States.

The act will help hundreds of thousands of people who worked in Lower Manhattan on and after 9/11 and were exposed to Ground Zero toxins to access free health care and compensation for 9/11-related cancers and respiratory illness, by requiring businesses and institutions to inform eligible workers of their rights.

Mike Barasch with NYS Senator Brian Kavanagh, NYS Assemblyman Nader Sayegh, and Lou Coletti, President and CEO of the Building Trades Employers’ Association

Q: What is the 9/11 Notice Act?

A: The act requires businesses and institutions that had people return to the Ground Zero exposure zones (south of Houston Street for the World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program and south of Canal Street for the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) between 9/11/2001 and 5/31/2002 to notify them about their eligibility for the health program and the compensation fund.

The act was passed unanimously in the New York State Legislature, and signed into law by Governor Kathy Hochul on September 11, 2023 – the 22nd anniversary of the terrorist attacks.

New York State’s Department of Labor and Department of Economic Development will coordinate to develop a plan to provide adequate notice of the benefits available.

Q: Why is the 9/11 Notice Act important?

A: The act will help to inform many of the 400,000 survivors – people who worked in Lower Manhattan on or after 9/11 – about their right to access the World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program and the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund (VCF).

All of the survivors have an increased risk of developing 69 different types of cancer and many severe respiratory illnesses.

Presently, fewer than 10% of 9/11 survivors are enrolled in the health program or registered with the compensation fund – compared with 85% of 9/11 responders.

Many of the 300,000 downtown workers have since moved away from the New York City area and are unaware of their right to access the WTC Health Program and the 9/11 VCF.

Q: How was Barasch & McGarry involved in the development of the 9/11 Notice Act?

A: Barasch & McGarry and its Managing Partner, Michael Barasch, who represent more than 35,000 members of the 9/11 community, worked closely with Assemblyman Nader Sayegh and Senator Brian Kavanagh to develop the legislation and advocate for its enactment.

Q: Where do I get more information about the 9/11 Notice Act?

A: To read a recent op-ed by Michael Barasch about the 9/11 Notice Act, visit:

For a blog post commending the signing of the 9/11 Notice Act, visit:

https://www.post911attorneys. com/blog/barasch-mcgarry-commends-signing-of-new-yorks-9-11-notice-act/

To read the text of the 9/11 Notice Act, visit:

For updated information about the 9/11 Notice Act, where we will provide information about how the bill will function as details become available, check the Barasch & McGarry blog at:

Barasch & McGarry, Lawyers for the 9/11 Community, represents more than 35,000 members of the 9/11 community.

If you have any questions, please visit or call 212-385-8000.

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