EMTs • COVID-19 • Firefighters
9/11 Didn’t End on 9/11
Nineteen years ago today, our country suffered the deadliest terrorist attack in human history. Thousands of innocent lives were lost on September 11, 2001, and those exposed to the World Trade Center, Pentagon and Shanksville toxins have faced a terrible health crisis that continues to afflict the 9/11 community.
Tragically, more people have died since 9/11 from their World Trade Center exposure than died on 9/11. As a firm, this has affected us personally and deeply. Today we mourn the loss of co-workers, friends, and clients, and we renew our commitment to support the loved ones they left behind, and to live each day with them in our hearts.
We also pledge to continue our fight for those battling 9/11 illnesses. Over 14,000 people have been certified by the WTC Health Program with one or more of the 68 cancers and tens of thousands have been certified for respiratory illnesses linked to the WTC toxins. Last summer, the government recognized our nation’s obligation to stand by those survivors, by fully funding the Victim Compensation Fund. It will serve the 9/11 community for the next 70 years, as will the WTC Health Program. Please spread the word to your former co-workers, colleagues, classmates and neighbors, that the DEADLINE for a family to register a claim for the loss of a loved one has been extended to July 29, 2021. Please don’t let anyone miss this deadline. If you or anyone you know had cancer or lost a family member more than two years ago due to a 9/11-related illness, you can still register.
The strength and unity of the 9/11 community is ever present. Throughout these 19 years, you have helped us to shine a light on this health crisis in big and small ways, by sharing emails like this, by reaching out to family and friends, by showing up to events, and by standing by one another through it all.
Today more than ever, we implore everyone to stay safe through this global pandemic. Those in the 9/11 community are more vulnerable to contracting COVID-19 due to their compromised immune systems.
It is our honor to represent the 9/11 community. Please watch our 9/11 tribute video which honors that day, the nineteen years following, and discusses the critical upcoming deadlines.
With sincere respect and warm regards,
The attorneys and staff at Barasch & McGarry
3 replies on “9/11 Didn’t End on 9/11”
It doesn’t get any easier. The images of what I witnessed are still imbedded in my mind. May all those souls Rest In Peace and God Bless America
The most thorough, caring and supportive firm I have ever had the pleasure of dealing with. 911 changed so many lives and unfortunately I was one of the victims as well. I am grateful to be alive and I pray for the families all the time that weren’t as fortunate. The battle is ongoing for me as well as others. Barasch & McGarry has a great staff that guides you through your journey regardless.
Beautiful tribute! Thank you for everything , hard to believe it’s almost 20 years. God Bless everyone at the Firm!